6 Hour “Learner’s Permit” Program

This program is specifically for teens who are ready to start driving after taking their written test. A 6 hour behind-the-wheel training program is mandatory for all new 16 year old drivers in New Jersey who want to get their learner’s permit and start driving. If you still haven’t taken your written test we can help you take it at the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission so you can get started with our 6 Hour Program.

We first start the process at the Motor Vehicle Commission. There we will have your learner’s permit issued and complete your vision test. It is essential that you bring your 6 Points of ID because without it we will not be able to issue the permit or complete the vision test. The vision test can be done the same day after issuing the learner’s permit and is usually a quick process. All you need to bring with you are your glasses or contacts if you wear them, so no paper and pencil needed for this one! After your permit is issued and vision test completed, the behind-the-wheel driving sessions can be started where students will be taught the basics as well as everyday driving essentials. This program is crucial for new drivers as they will be taught a number of different techniques which they will use every day while on the road. Each session is usually given in two hour increments and so the 6 hours of training can be completed in three days total.

After completing the 6 Hour Program we will be able to finalize your learner’s permit and give it to you. You will also receive a Certificate of Completion upon your request which may be used to receive a discount with your insurance policy. To find out more information about receiving discounts from your auto insurance company with the Certificate of Completion, you should contact your auto insurance company for details to see if this is something they offer.

Road Test

Your road test is without a doubt one of the most important days of your life. As long as you are properly prepared for it you should have no problem passing with ease. If you are unsure how to schedule your road test we would be glad to assist you in doing so. Our Road Test service starts off at your home where we will pick you up and drive you to the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission road test course. We will explain the process of the test so you have a better understanding of what you will be doing and then you will be ready to start. The test itself does not take too long and will evaluate the driving skills you have learned since first receiving your learner’s permit. Once you complete the road test you will be driven back home.

For the road test you will need to bring with you your learner’s permit and 6 Points of ID which are the same documents used when you created your learner’s permit during the 6 Hour “Learner’s Permit” Program. We understand that your permit has seen a lot of road driving but it should not be torn apart or taped back together. If this is the case you may need to have a new learner’s permit issued before the test so it is important to let us know in advance.

2 Hour Practice Lesson

If you need help or practice driving this is the service for you. Our instructors cover everything you need to know about becoming a better and smarter driver. Depending on your driving skills you may want to take more than just one session but it is always up to you. During each session the instructor will cover parking, blind spots, highway driving and more. This service includes pickup and drop-off.

Refresher Lesson

Before starting your Road Test you should consider taking a Refresher Lesson. The refresher lesson is given right before the exam or the day before to ensure you are as ready as possible for the road test. If you prefer to have the lesson on the day of the exam just let us know at least two weeks in advance so we can work out a good time and date that fits both of our schedules.

Our 1 hour Refresher Lesson will cover all of the techniques you will be evaluated on during the road test.